Saturday, November 12, 2011

Démontrer que I=]0,1[ n’est pas compact en utilisons l’axiome C1

Solution d' un problème d'analyse du cours d'analyse 1 niveau université:
Démontrer que I=]0,1[  n’est pas compact en utilisons l’axiome C1
Axiome C1:    De tout recouvrement ouvert de I  il existe un sous-recouvrement fini.

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f application croissante et la limite à gauche en x0

Solution d' un problème d'analyse du cours d'analyse 1 niveau université:

Soit f une application de R=>R ,avec f croissante et la limite à gauche en x0, f(x0 -0) existe.

Démontrer que f(x0 -0) = sup(x<x0) {f(x)}

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Programming is the collection of processes and implementations that a programmer is conducted to for providing a solution to a physical or abstract problem arising in different domains: business, science, engineering, etc… The programmer is the person who analyses and formulates his or other needs in an abstract manner and then provides the concrete implementation and solution to the problem.

In programming problems needs to be formulated in a clear way: no uncertainty is acceptable in the program execution. The program needs to be well abstracted and implemented using well known paradigms and conventions. The programmer is not born with all required skills and professionalism. His skills increase with time and experience, in a way that his productivity increases. A good programmer needs to write clean code, and he must always have in mind that someone will come after him and reviews or maintains the program’s code.

The problem that the programmer resolves must be well understood and then it will be dissected into several parts and modules which cooperate and communicate to achieve a certain goal. This dissection must have in mind data and process flexibility in both program’s input and output.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Tracking system

The Tracking system is a collection of cooperated subsystem and devices providing vehicles and site supervision and monitoring. This system works from the hardware level (Tracking device and sensors) to the software high level in a coordinated way based on several protocols. The system is designed to make usage and generate reports based on device’s collected data. It can be separated into two parts:
1. Device communication
2. Monitoring system
The first part handles the generation, transport and saving of device’s events. The customer doesn’t need to be aware of this part. The customer’s role and intervention are in the second system which can be a combination of several subsystems such as a web application, localized software, mail notification, etc…